The nine mystical armors were created a thousand years ago to protect the Mortal realm from Evil. All nine armors were associated with either an element or a season. The Ronin Warriors wore the Elemental armors and the Dark Warlords wore the Season armors. A thousand years ago, the Mortal Realm. Fighting Game With Anime Characters. Lol its just something I put together (not made) for fun and I couldn't find a mugen collection I really liked so I made my own, never said I made anything. The only thing I did myself is change almost all the character portraits on the select menu and changed some of the music.
You’ll have a hard time finding more badass sword-wielding warriors than samurai. The depictions of samurai tend to vary: they can be lone swordsmen wandering the lands, members of an organization upholding the law, saints, or even bandits.
Of course, when you decide to depict them in anime, then the possibilities multiply endlessly. We’ve seen it all: samurai mechas, samurai fighting like they’re hip-hop dancers, and even time-traveling samurai! With these near endlessly varied depictions of samurai, we had a lot of fun narrowing down the contenders for the Top 10 Samurai Anime. There are nine legendary suits which, when gathered, make up the armor of the evil emperor Talpa. He has obtained four of these armors and is seeking to gather the other five so he can renew his attempts to conquer Earth after he failed thousands of years ago. The other five are worn by five of Earth’s bravest humans, but when Talpa scatters them across the earth, it’s up to a young boy named Yuli and a student-teacher named Mia to reunite them and stop Talpa’s invasion. Ronin Warriors is a classic anime that takes the aesthetic of samurai and does something new with it.
This series takes extreme pleasure in giving its nine armor-wearing characters particularly great poses to highlight their one-of-a-kind samurai armor. This is especially true of the protagonist Ryo’s Inferno Armor which is basically a samurai armor in mech form, or alternatively, Talpa’s armor which screams evil samurai emperor. Ultimately, Ronin Warriors is a classic shonen about five warriors who live up to the standards of an idealized samurai to overcome great evil, and it’s always a comforting watch.
Heizou Hasegawa is the Chief Officer of the Arson Theft Division. It’s the Edo period and peace reigns thanks to the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate.
Even so, there are always people intent on disrupting the peace for their own selfish needs. The man known as Demon Heizou isn’t one to allow crimes to go unpunished. Investigating incidents, taking in criminals, and helping the misguided to repent, Heizou is determined to uphold the law and order granted in Japan during the Edo period. If you want to enjoy a show about the everyday life of a samurai in Japan when they weren’t busy waging war, then Onihei will satisfy your needs. It’s basically a police procedural with samurai that reflects on its own society and general musings on life. Heizou doesn’t see the world as black as white and is a widely compelling character both to see his views on his society and the human condition and to see how he interacts with the other well-developed characters he encounters and analyzes.
Onihei is about as straightforward a samurai show as you can get, and you’re missing out if you haven’t checked this well-written series out. During the Edo period, there is one group of people capable of saving the people of Japan from invading giant insects: the Insect Magistrate Office. Composed of the finest warriors in Japan, it’s the responsibility of the warriors of the IMO to exterminate the monstrous bugs that plague their land. Jinbee Tsukishima is an aspiring swordsman who joins the Insect Magistrate Office after an accident prevents his father from doing the same and he hopes to play a part in the extermination of insects from Japan. Mushibugyo props up a ragtag group of samurai, ninja, and priests against giant insects and it’s a complete load of fun. Aside from the general idea of giant bugs being outright disgusting, it’s hard not to enjoy the awesomeness of samurai going head to head with what basically amounts to kaiju.